Thursday 29 January 2015


You take away my confidence in myself. You make me believe I can't so fervently that I actually can't. You are a physical being, a monster inside of my head and my chest and my legs. You stop me from breathing and you make my eyes continually leak. You jumble up my mind so that my thoughts come out backwards and upside down and incoherent and you turn me into a blubbery mess. You stop me from going outside. You stop me from opening the front or answering the telephone. You make me want to cut myself and you tell me that I'm useless. You tell me I am weak.

But I am not. 

I am strong.

I am strong because I have fought you for so many years. I am strong because with you on my back my load to bear is so much more than it ever was before and I am still here. I am still going. I am strong because you have made me open up to my friends and my family and the world and I know I don't have to fight this alone. And I CAN fight you.

With every inch of my being I will fight you.

You will not beat me.

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